Rev. Abel English's Son: The Pastor of the First Marshall United Methodist Church

At the general conference in St. Marshall, a small settlement founded in 1835, a lay preacher named Abel English and his family were among the many covered wagons that traveled along the newly built Cumberland Highway, later the National Highway and still later Route 40, through Clark County. Herb and Marion Trefz received a generous contribution which enabled them to realize their vision of extending the First Marshall United Methodist Church. This extension included a chapel, a meeting room, an office, a lobby, bathrooms and an elevator.

The inauguration of this extension took place on June 19th 1988. The mission of the First Marshall United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The church is located at 702 Plum Street Marshall, IL 62441 and is currently led by Rev. Abel English's son. Members of the Metropolitan Methodist Church of Rome held a dinner following the inauguration of the church's new minister.

He supported the Single Church Plan and was visiting a church in Canada when he learned that the Traditional Plan would succeed despite having two-thirds of the votes. In 1972, the Church voted to explicitly declare that homosexuality was incompatible with Church teaching. There are about a dozen churches in Clark County which are part of the Western Jurisdiction and opposed Tuesday's ruling, stating that the jurisdiction remains committed to fully including all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. Neary said, “We have again harmed people in very, very profound ways and, without a doubt, we have damaged the reputation of the United Methodist Church.” The First Marshall United Methodist Church is led by Rev.

Abel English's son who was inaugurated as its pastor in 1988. He has been an active member of the church since then and has been instrumental in its growth and development. He has been an advocate for inclusion and acceptance of all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. He has also been vocal in his support for the Single Church Plan which seeks to unite all Methodists under one umbrella organization. Rev.

Abel English's son is committed to upholding the mission of the First Marshall United Methodist Church which is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. He believes that this mission can only be achieved through acceptance and inclusion of all people regardless of their differences. He is also committed to upholding the traditional values and teachings of Methodism while also embracing new ideas and perspectives that can help bring about positive change in society. The First Marshall United Methodist Church is an important part of Clark County's history and culture and Rev.

Abel English's son is proud to be its pastor. He is committed to upholding its mission and values while also embracing new ideas that can help bring about positive change in society.

Raúl Orgeron
Raúl Orgeron

Bacon practitioner. Friendly beer geek. Total food fanatic. Typical tv geek. Freelance web enthusiast.

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